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Use our look up table to find a selection of scope bases to fit your gun.
Enter the gun manufacturer and model below. Then select the type of base. For some guns we list the front and rear bases separately as well as in sets or one piece bases. A list of available bases will be displayed. Click on any one for more details or to purchase. Please note we have listed thousands of bases from many manufactures in this look up table but it is not a complete list of all of the bases we carry. Click Here to return to scope ring page.
Scope Base Selector Choose a Gun Manufacturer ..Select .22 Caliber Rimfire Rifles AK-47 Anschutz Antonio Zolli AR-15 Benelli Beretta British 303 Browning BSA Carcano Churchill CIL Colt Cooey Cooper CVA CZ Dakota Enfield Freedom Arms Garci Garcia Glock Golden Eagle H&R Heckler & Koch Herters High-Standard Husqvarna Interarms Ithaca J.C. Higgins Japanese Kimber Knight - Modern Muzzleloading Krag Lee-Enfield Lone Eagle Lyman MAK-90 Marlin Mauser Maverick MDM Model 1911 Government .45 Mossberg Musgrave New England Firearms New Haven Norinco Parker-Hale Pump Shotguns Remington Rossi Ruger S&W Sako Savage Schultz & Larsen Sears Shilen SIG Arms Sig Sauer Smith & Wesson Springfield Springfield Armory Stevens Stevens-Springfield Steyr Tar Hunt Taurus Thompson Center Tikka Traditions U.S. Carbine Valmet Voere Weatherby Western Field White Winchester ZB