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Home » Fishing Gear » Fishing Tackle and Lures » Freshwater Fishing Lures

Product ID: HK_113177
Zoom Mag UV Speed Worm 7-Inch Lure, Junebug/Red, 8-Pack Md: 113-177
Zoom Mag UV Speed Worm 7-Inch Lure, Junebug/Red, 8-Pack Md: 113-177

Zoom Mag UV Speed Worm 7-Inch Lure, Junebug/Red, 8-Pack Md: 113-177
The Magnum Ultra Vibe Speed Worm was designed to trigger the predatory instinct in bass, just like its little brother, but in a package that’ll tempt the biggest bass on the lake. It combines the realistic look and action of a worm with the unique sound profile of the Ultra Vibe Tail for maximum water disturbance. You can buzz it on top, swim it below the surface or rig it Texas or Carolina style – the tail will elicit strikes when others don’t. - Size = 7 inches - Paddle tail worm - Bulky segmented body with Ultra Vibe Tail - Salt-impregnated - Biggest Speed Worm available still relies on the Ultra Vibe Tail, gives off an acoustic footprint unlike that of any other worm on the market, making it deadly on pressured bass looking for an easy meal

List Price: $23.99
Price: $20.25
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