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Home » Gun Cleaning and Care Products

Product ID: CR_430104170
Sectional Rod Pistol Cleaning Kit
Sectional Rod Pistol Cleaning Kit

Sectional Rod Pistol Cleaning Kit

Style: Handgun

Manufacturer: Otis
Model: A sectional rod pistol cleaning kit is a cleaning kit designed specifically for pistols. It typically includes a sectional cleaning rod, which is made up of multiple sections that can be screwed together to create a longer cleaning rod that is sized specifically for the barrel length of the pistol. In addition to the sectional cleaning rod, the kit may also include a variety of cleaning brushes, jags, and patches designed specifically for the caliber of the pistol. It may also include a cleaning solution or solvent, as well as lubricant for the moving parts of the pistol. One of the benefits of a sectional rod pistol cleaning kit is that it allows for a more customized and precise cleaning experience. The sectional rod can be adjusted to the length of the pistol barrel, ensuring that the cleaning rod is the perfect length to effectively clean the entire bore of the pistol. Overall, a sectional rod pistol cleaning kit is a high-quality cleaning accessory that is well-suited for anyone who owns a pistol and wants to keep it clean and well-maintained. It's a must-have for any gun owner who wants to ensure that their firearm remains accurate and reliable.

List Price: $36.95
Price: $25.09
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