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Home » Gun Cleaning and Care Products

Product ID: CR_699902002
No.9 Gun Bore Cleaner
No.9 Gun Bore Cleaner

No.9 Gun Bore Cleaner

Size: 2 Oz

Manufacturer: Hoppes
Model: No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner is a popular and effective cleaning solution used for cleaning firearms. It's a powerful solvent that is designed to remove fouling and buildup from the bore of a firearm, including carbon, lead, and copper. The cleaner is applied to a patch or brush and then worked into the bore of the firearm. It's left to soak for a period of time to allow it to dissolve the fouling, after which it can be removed with a clean patch or brush. One of the benefits of No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner is that it's safe to use on a wide variety of firearms, including rifles, shotguns, and pistols. It's also easy to use and can be very effective at removing even stubborn fouling and buildup from the bore of a firearm. Overall, No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner is a high-quality cleaning solution that is well-suited for anyone who wants to keep their firearms clean and well-maintained. It's a must-have for any gun owner who wants to ensure that their firearms remain accurate and reliable.

List Price: $3.95
Price: $2.87

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