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Home » Gun Cleaning and Care Products

Product ID: CR_749000400
Brush Adapters, Loops And Shotgun Implements
Brush Adapters, Loops And Shotgun Implements

Brush ADAPTERS, Loops And Shotgun IMPLEMENTS

Manufacturer: Dewey
Model: Brush Adapters: Brush adapters are small tools designed to allow the use of different types of cleaning brushes with your cleaning rod. They typically feature a threaded end that screws onto the end of your cleaning rod, while the opposite end is threaded to accept various types of cleaning brushes. This allows you to switch between different brush sizes and types without needing multiple cleaning rods. Brush adapters are handy for maintaining multiple firearms with different calibers or bore sizes. Loops: Cleaning loops, also known as bore snakes or pull-through cleaners, are flexible cleaning tools used to quickly clean the bore of a firearm. They consist of a cord or rope with an attached cleaning patch or brush at one end. The loop is passed through the bore of the firearm, and the attached cleaning material removes fouling and debris as it's pulled through. Loops are popular for their simplicity and convenience, making them ideal for quick cleaning in the field or at the range. Shotgun Implements: Shotgun implements encompass a range of cleaning tools and accessories designed specifically for shotguns. These may include chamber brushes, bore mops, patch holders, and specialized cleaning jags. Chamber brushes are used to clean the chamber of the shotgun, while bore mops are used to apply cleaning solvent to the bore. Patch holders allow you to attach cleaning patches to your cleaning rod, while specialized jags are used to hold patches or cleaning cloths during the cleaning process. Shotgun implements ensure you have the right tools for properly maintaining and cleaning your shotgun. These accessories are essential components of any gun cleaning kit, providing versatility and efficiency in maintaining the cleanliness and functionality of your firearms. Whether you're a casual shooter or a seasoned enthusiast, having the right cleaning tools can make the maintenance process more manageable and effective.

List Price: $8.95
Price: $4.81
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