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Home » Targets & Throwers » Laser Target

Product ID: CT_DY211493
Laserlyte Trainer Score Tyme Target - TLB-Xl
Laserlyte Trainer Score Tyme Target - TLB-Xl

LASERLYTE TLB-XL trainer target Score Tyme with 147 LEDs that light up SCORE every shot from 4 to 10 points CHALLENGE the score with the three timer modes SPEED and PRECISION can be practiced from home.

  • FOR USE with LaserLyte laser trainer systems fire the red laser dot at the trainer target The shooting target will record every shot and display it with a red LED the LASER FIRE will be scored from 4 to 10 points
  • TIMED SHOOTING modes set the clock to 5 10 or 15 seconds shoot the start button begin SHOOTING when the time is up it will display the total amount of points made CHALLENGE yourself from target shooting positions and locations
  • SHOOTING TARGET practice fast shots and aim for the bullseye PRECISION shots can be made when the gun sights are aligned and the trigger is controlled for each press DISPLAYING the shot groups gives a visual training experience
  • SHOOTING RANGE in the privacy of your own home work on your own SHOOTING SKILLS or by focusing on the target speed shooting accuracy shooting or transitioning from other targets YOUTH SHOOTERS can be instructed on how to shoot
  • DRY FIRE can be fun again with the shooting target system place the TARGET on almost any flat surface or hang on the wall TRAIN almost anyway or anywhere that the shooter needs to train SHOOT AROUND the house and practice engaging

List Price: $222.86
Price: $181.19
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