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Home » Gun Cleaning and Care Products

Product ID: GA_TETTG1100
Tetra .17-.22 Caliber Cotton Patches Pk. 800
Tetra .17-.22 Caliber Cotton Patches Pk. 800

Gun Cleaning Patches .17 - .22 Caliber - Pk. 800 - Extremely durable, soft and absorbent - Excellent for removing firing residue - Great for polishing and buffing - A wide range of sizes - New clamshell package

Manufacturer: Tetra

Model: TG1100 Tetra .17-.22 Caliber Cotton Patches are small, square-shaped pieces of cotton cloth that are designed for use with firearms chambered in .17 to .22 caliber. These patches are typically used to apply cleaning solvent or oil to the bore of your firearm, or to remove fouling and debris from the barrel after cleaning. They are highly absorbent, allowing them to effectively pick up and remove dirt, oil, and other contaminants from your firearm. The pack of 800 patches provides a large quantity of patches, ensuring that you will have enough for multiple cleaning sessions. To use the patches, simply apply a small amount of cleaning solvent or oil to the patch and run it through the bore of your firearm using a cleaning rod. It's important to always follow the manufacturer's instructions when using cleaning tools like the Tetra .17-.22 Caliber Cotton Patches. Additionally, you should always wear eye protection and work in a well-ventilated area when cleaning your firearm. If you're unsure about how to use the patches or have any concerns about maintaining your firearm, it's always a good idea to consult with a firearms expert or a qualified gunsmith.

List Price: $8.00
Price: $7.36

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