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Home » Gun Cleaning and Care Products

Product ID: GA_TETTG962
Tetra .17 Caliber Brass Jag
Tetra .17 Caliber Brass Jag

Gun Brass Jag .17 Caliber - Accommodates all ProSmith cleaning rods - Machined from high quality brass

Manufacturer: Tetra

Model: TG962 The Tetra .17 Caliber Brass Jag is a cleaning accessory designed specifically for use with .17 caliber rifles. This jag is designed to hold cleaning patches securely in place and guide them through the bore of your rifle for effective cleaning. The jag is constructed from high-quality brass, which is durable and resistant to corrosion. It is designed to fit snugly inside the bore of your .17 caliber rifle and has a threaded end that allows you to attach it to a cleaning rod. To use the Tetra .17 Caliber Brass Jag, simply attach it to a cleaning rod and insert a cleaning patch into the jag. Then, run the jag through the bore of your rifle, using a back-and-forth motion, to remove any fouling or debris that may have accumulated during shooting. The brass construction of the Tetra .17 Caliber Brass Jag makes it gentle on your rifle's bore and will not scratch or damage the rifling. It is an essential accessory for anyone who wants to keep their .17 caliber rifle clean and performing at its best. Overall, the Tetra .17 Caliber Brass Jag is an effective and reliable cleaning accessory that is designed to make cleaning your .17 caliber rifle easy and efficient. Its durable construction and gentle cleaning action make it a valuable addition to any cleaning kit.

Price: $3.38

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