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Home » Gun Cleaning and Care Products

Product ID: SS_152479
Brktrhu Bt-cp-s-2-1/2-540 Square Patches 45/54 540pcs
Brktrhu Bt-cp-s-2-1/2-540 Square Patches 45/54 540pcs

BRKTRHU BT-CP-S-2-1/2-540 Sq PTCHS 45/54 540Pcs

Manufacturer: Allen
Mfg Number: BTCPS21/2540 The Breakthrough BT-CP-S-2-1/2-540 Square Patches are cleaning patches designed specifically for .45 and .54 caliber firearms. The patches are made of high-quality materials and are designed to effectively remove fouling and buildup from the bore of a firearm. The kit includes 540 square patches, which are designed to fit snugly in the bore of the firearm. The patches can be used with a cleaning solution or solvent to effectively clean the bore of the firearm. One of the benefits of the Breakthrough BT-CP-S-2-1/2-540 Square Patches is that they are very absorbent, allowing them to effectively soak up cleaning solution and fouling from the bore of the firearm. This makes them a very effective tool for keeping firearms clean and well-maintained. Overall, the Breakthrough BT-CP-S-2-1/2-540 Square Patches are a high-quality cleaning accessory that is well-suited for anyone who owns a .45 or .54 caliber firearm and wants to keep it clean and well-maintained. The large quantity of patches included in the kit also makes it a great value.

List Price: $17.95
Price: $16.65

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