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Home » Gun Cleaning and Care Products


Hoppes Rifle Cleaning Cradle
Product ID: CT_HSHCC


The Hoppes Cleaning Cradle sets up in seconds and securely holds any long gun in its over-molded rubber saddles.

  • Ideal for home the range or on your tailgate in the field
  • Adjusts for length
  • Disassembles to fit in your range bag or cleaning kit
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Hoppes Gun Vice w/Dry Kit (BFS)


The Hoppe's Gun Vise is a great addition to any gun bench. It has locking supports in the front and rear of the vise to hold your rifle or shotgun securely in place without making a scratch and a multi-position grip support for additional firearm stabilization. The vise is made out of a durable chemical resistant polymer and has multiple compartments and slots to keep your cleaning chemicals tools and accessories organized while cleaning. Stay organized and make cleaning rifles and shotguns
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Hoppes Universal Gun Cleaning Kit Tin Kit With Mops
Product ID: CT_HSHHTM22



  • Hoppe's No. 9 Cleaner 
  • Hoppe's No. 9 Lubricating Oil
  • Aluminum Rod With T-Handle 
  • 12 Gauge Brush
  • 9mm Brush
  • .22/.223 Cal Brush 
  • .40/.45 Cal Brush 
  • .270 Cal Jag
  • .30 Cal Jag
  • .38 Cal Jag
  • .44/.45 Cal Jag
  • 12/16 Gauge Slotted Tip 
  • Patches 
  • Shotgun Adapter 
  • 12 Gauge Mop
  • 9mm Mop
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Hoppes Universal Gun Cleaning Kit Tin Kit Without Mops
Product ID: CT_HSHHTNM22



  • Hoppe's No. 9 Cleaner 
  • Hoppe's No. 9 Lubricating Oil
  • Aluminum Rod With T-Handle 
  • 12 Gauge Brush
  • 9mm Brush
  • .22/.223 Cal Brush 
  • .40/.45 Cal Brush 
  • .270 Cal Jag
  • .30 Cal Jag
  • .38 Cal Jag
  • .44/.45 Cal Jag
  • 12/16 Gauge Slotted Tip 
  • Patches 
  • Shotgun Adapter 
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Hoppes Dry Soft Sided Pistol Cleaning Kit


Get all the tools needed to clean a pistol in this limited edition Hoppe's Pistol Cleaning Kit. It includes an aluminum cleaning rod with a swivel T-handle bronze brushes and brass jags for .22 9mm and .40 calibers as well as patches and a nylon zippered pouch for easy storage. This dry cleaning kit is an easy addition to any cleaning bench or range bag to ensure the necessary cleaning tools for pistols are always on hand when you need them.


  • For .22
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Hoppes Boresnake CLP- 2Oz Bottle
Product ID: CT_HSHSO


Hoppe?s introduces its first-ever cleaner lubricant and protectant formula all in one! Hoppe?s first CLP is an effective one step cleaner lubricant and rust preventative intended for use in all pistol rifle and shotgun models. Designed to break down and remove carbon lead and powder fouling the corrosion inhibitors prevent rust from forming leaving behind a lasting coat of protection.

Hoppe?s new CLP also provides total protection when used in combination with a Hoppe?s BoreSnake. Apply Hoppe
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Hoppes Lead-B-Gone Skin Cleansing Wipes 40/ct
Product ID: CT_HSLBG40


Shooting at the gun range reloading ammunition or cleaning your gun can be a dirty process. Hoppes understands and has you covered when it is time to clean up. Hoppes Lead-B-Gone Skin Cleansing Wipes lift and trap lead nickel cadmium arsenic silver mercury zinc chromium copper antimony and other metals without smearing.

Why choose Lead-B-Gone Skin Cleansing Wipes instead of soap and water? Simple. Theyve been proven to remove 98.8 percent of contaminants on their own and 99.9 percent with a
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Hoppe's Gun Cleaning Essential Kit - Pistol Model: NK2
Product ID: CT_HSNK2


Wondering how to keep that new pistol clean? Look no further than this 23-piece kit which contains the essential elements to keep pistols of all calibers clean and oiled.
  • All-in-one kit with all the needed essentials
  • Easy to use
  • Cleaning Mat included
  • Handy Storage Case
  • Step by step cleaning instructions included with the Hoppe?s Gun Care Guide

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Hoppes Handgun Aluminum Cleaning Rod
Product ID: CT_HSP22


All Hoppes Gun Cleaning Rods have a ball bearing swivel handle designed to follow the rifling of the bore and make turning easier when cleaning.
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Hoppes Universal Pistol Cleaning Kit With Storage Box
Product ID: CT_HSPCO


Get everything you need to clean a pistol with Hoppe's Pistol Cleaning Kits. These cleaning kits include a one-piece aluminum cleaning rod a two ounce bottle of Hoppe's No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner one 2.25 ounce Hoppe's Traditional Lubricating Oil patches and the cleaning rod accessories to get a pistol clean. The caliber specific kits include a nylon brush nylon slotted end and nylon jag. The all calibers kit includes one nylon slotted and three knob ends. 

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Hoppes Cleaning Kit For Calibers .22 Pistol
Product ID: CT_HSPCO22B


Kit Includes: 2 oz. Hoppe’s No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner 2.25 oz. Hoppe’s Lubricating Oil Round die-cut patches for an absorbent surface with deep cleaning Slotted ends and adapters where appropriate and Aluminum cleaning rods unless otherwise noted.

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.38 CLMSHELL PISTL Cleaning Kit
Product ID: CT_HSPCO38


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Hoppes Cleaning Kit For Calibers .38 .357 9mm
Product ID: CT_HSPCO38B


Kit Includes: 2 oz. Hoppe?s No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner 2.25 oz. Hoppe?s Lubricating Oil Round die-cut patches for an absorbent surface with deep cleaning Slotted ends and adapters where appropriate and Aluminum cleaning rods unless otherwise noted.

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Hoppes Cleaning Kit For Calibers .40 10mm
Product ID: CT_HSPCO40B


Kit Includes: 2 oz. Hoppe?s No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner 2.25 oz. Hoppe?s Lubricating Oil Round die-cut patches for an absorbent surface with deep cleaning Slotted ends and adapters where appropriate and Aluminum cleaning rods unless otherwise noted.

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Hoppes Cleaning Kit For Calibers .44 .45
Product ID: CT_HSPCO45B


Kit Includes: 2 oz. Hoppe?s No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner 2.25 oz. Hoppe?s Lubricating Oil Round die-cut patches for an absorbent surface with deep cleaning Slotted ends and adapters where appropriate and Aluminum cleaning rods unless otherwise noted.

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Hoppes 9 Pistol Cleaning Kit


  • Fits all calibers
  • Brushes NOT included
  • Includes: Rod ends 2-1/4 fluid ounces of lubricating oil and 2 fluid ounces of gun bore cleaner

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Hoppes 9 Stainless Steel 36" Rifle Cleaning Rod .22-.284 Cal
Product ID: CT_HSRS22R


Stay straight and true when cleaning your rifle with Hoppe's one-piece Stainless Steel Pistol Cleaning Rod. Specially designed to withstand tough scrubbing this rifle cleaning rod provides the ultimate in durability and performance. The handle is ergonomically designed with double ball bearings to assure complete bore coverage. Rod include a brass muzzle guard. This one-piece stainless steel cleaning rod is the ultimate rifle cleaning tool when paired with Hoppe's bore brushes mops and
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Hoppes Shotgun Cleaning Kit With Aluminum Rod - 12 Gauge Sb


More than 100 years in the gun care business has taught us a thing or two about what makes a good kit. Precisely why hunters shooters and those in search of the perfect gift continually turn to Hoppes. Our kits arent just convenient theyre extremely well thought out.

  • Includes a brush to fit your specific gauge
  • Includes 2 oz. of famous Hoppe?s No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner
  • For all shotguns
  • Includes three-piece aluminum cleaning rod and patches
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Hoppes Shotgun Cleaning Kit With Aluminum Rod - All Gauges Sb


More than 100 years in the gun care business has taught us a thing or two about what makes a good kit. Precisely why hunters shooters and those in search of the perfect gift continually turn to Hoppes. Our kits arent just convenient theyre extremely well thought out.

  • Includes a brush to fit your specific gauge
  • Includes 2 oz. of famous Hoppe?s No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner
  • For all shotguns
  • Includes three-piece aluminum cleaning rod and patches
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Cotton Cleaning Swab 50 CT Wood Grain 5.9 Poly Bag
Product ID: CT_HST06


No time for cleaning rods and patches? No problem. Hoppe?s? Cotton Cleaning Swabs combine the durability of patches with simple one-step convenience. Hoppe?s Cotton Cleaning Swabs remove fouling and debris from gun barrels without deforming or leaving behind lint residue. Deep cleaning doesn?t get any easier.

  • Strong flexible stem cleans hard-to-reach places without breaking
  • Keeps shape and compositioneven when in contact with gun cleaning chemicals<
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Cotton Cleaning Swab 100 CT Wood Grain 5.9 Long Poly Bag
Product ID: CT_HST07


No time for cleaning rods and patches? No problem. Hoppe?s? Cotton Cleaning Swabs combine the durability of patches with simple one-step convenience. Hoppe?s Cotton Cleaning Swabs remove fouling and debris from gun barrels without deforming or leaving behind lint residue. Deep cleaning doesn?t get any easier.

  • Strong flexible stem cleans hard-to-reach places without breaking
  • Keeps shape and compositioneven when in contact with gun cleaning chemicals<
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HoppesCleaning Kit For Calibers .22 .222 .223 .224 .225 .243 .25 .25-06 .257
Product ID: CT_HSU22B


Kit Includes: 2 oz. Hoppe?s No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner 2.25 oz. Hoppe?s Lubricating Oil Round die-cut patches for an absorbent surface with deep cleaning Slotted ends and adapters where appropriate and Aluminum cleaning rods unless otherwise noted.

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Hoppes Cleaning Kit For Calibers .243 - .257 6mm 6.5mm
Product ID: CT_HSU243B


Kit Includes: 2 oz. Hoppe?s No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner 2.25 oz. Hoppe?s Lubricating Oil Round die-cut patches for an absorbent surface with deep cleaning Slotted ends and adapters where appropriate and Aluminum cleaning rods unless otherwise noted.

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Hoppes Cleaning Kit For Calibers .270 .280 7mm
Product ID: CT_HSU270B


Kit Includes: 2 oz. Hoppe’s No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner 2.25 oz. Hoppe’s Lubricating Oil Round die-cut patches for an absorbent surface with deep cleaning Slotted ends and adapters where appropriate and Aluminum cleaning rods unless otherwise noted.

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.30 RIFL CLAMSHEL Cleaning Kit
Product ID: CT_HSU30


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Cleaning Kit Universal Accessory Boxed
Product ID: CT_HSUAC76


Hoppes universal gun cleaning accessory kit

Kit Includes:
  • 76 piece kit
  • 3 PC universal cleaning rod
  • 12 Ga. Shotgun phosphor bronze brush (1314AP)
  • 20 Ga. Shotgun phosphor bronze brush (1312P)
  • 410 Ga. Shotgun phosphor bronze brush (1311P)
  • .44/.45 Caliber pistol phosphor bronze brush (1308P)
  • .40 Caliber/ 10mm pistol phosphor bronze brush (1308AP)
  • .357/ 9mm rifle phosphor bronze brush (1307P)
  • .30 Calib
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Hoppes Universal Bore Guide
Product ID: CT_HSUBG


Keeps solvents from dripping into action and preventsexcessive cleaning rod contact with the rifling lands closestto the chamber.
? Three interchangeable chamber tips to fit .17to .416 caliber.
? Aluminum action collar fits .695"/.700"(17.65mm/17.78mm) diameter boltactions of any action length.
? Threaded brass pin locks the guide into the actionin place of the bolt to allow proper cleaning fromthe breech.
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Hoppes Premium Rifle And Shotgun Cleaning Kit With Aluminum Rod
Product ID: CT_HSUO


This kit includes what you need to a rifle or shotgun - Hoppe's No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner Hoppe's Lubricating Oil a cleaning rod slotted tips and adapter. Available in a convenient premium storage case or in standard disposable packaging.


  • Hoppe's Traditional No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner 2 oz
  • Hoppe's Traditional Lubricating Oil 2.25oz
  • Aluminum three-piece cleaning rod with T-Handle
  • Cleaning rod has a ball bearing swivel
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Hoppes Cleaning Kit Rifle Shotgun
Product ID: CT_HSUOB


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Hornady Case Sizing Lube .15 Lbs
Product ID: CT_PC050009


This is the classic no-fail method of lubricating cases. Just apply a few drops of Hornady sizing lubrication to your lube pad and lube several cases at once.
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Hornady Foam Gun Sheet
Product ID: CT_PC98251


Hornady Security? Accessory - Foam Gun SheetPerfect to use with other Hornady Security? items

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Hornady One Shot Gun Cleaner w/Dyna Glide Plus - 5.5 Oz.
Product ID: CT_PC9990


One Shot original formula Gun Cleaner and Lube is a one-step gun cleaner and lubricant that has many advantages over two and three step cleaners and lubricants. One Shot DynaGlide
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Hornady One Shot Gun Cleaner With DynaGlide Plus - 12 Oz
Product ID: CT_PC99901


Hornady One Shot with DynaGlide Plus is a revolutionary formula developed to prevent firearm malfunctions caused by a buildup of lubricants and grime.

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Hornady One Shot Spray Case Lube With DynaGlide Technology 10 Oz
Product ID: CT_PC99913


One Shot Case Lube is the most popular reloading cartridge and tool lubricant in the market because; Case Lube is a dry film Boundary lubricant that is non-hazardous does not contaminate powders or primers and the DynaGlide technology exceeds US Military & NATO load carrying capacity requirements by 6 times. Precision shooters appreciate One Shot Case Lubes clean non-sticky quick and easy application when loading large volumes of rounds at a time. The flexible all-purpose dry film lubricant use
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Iosso Gunbrite Rust Preventative - 2 Oz.
Product ID: CT_IO10202


Iosso GUNBRITE is safe for use on factory blued stainless steel chrome and nickel guns. It removes powder fouling surface rust tarnish and discoloration from the barrel and stubborn black carbon burn from the face of the cylinder. The cleaner leaves behind a non-oily protective coating that resists fingerprinting and moisture. Also great for badges buckles buttons knives etc.

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Iosso Bore Cleaning Compound Paste - 1.5 Oz
Product ID: CT_IO10215


BIO-Based Formula. Highly effective concentrated paste formula that lasts longer and takes less time to clean with than ordinary liquid or aerosol type cleaners. Because it is a paste it cannot spill or run into wood stocks grips or mechanisms causing chemical damage. Iosso Bore Cleaner removes copper lead carbon burn powder fouling plastic wad residue and surface rust. It is non-corrosive non-flammable and has no offensive odors or mists. Use with the Eliminator Brushes and Eliminator Triple Ac
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Iosso Case Polish - 8 Oz
Product ID: CT_IO10600


Cleans and polishes brass casings to a high luster. It removes powder fouling residue oxidation tarnish and discoloration. Add Iosso Case Polish to your media before tumbling. It works with the media to reduce tumbling time and gives your brass a like-new finish. Use Iosso Case Polish on soiled casings or on casings that have been pre-cleaned with the Iosso Case Cleaner.

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Iosso Case Polish - 32 Oz (1 Quart)
Product ID: CT_IO10601


Cleans and polishes brass casings to a high luster. It removes powder fouling residue oxidation tarnish and discoloration. Add Iosso Case Polish to your media before tumbling. It works with the media to reduce tumbling time and gives your brass a like-new finish. Use Iosso Case Polish on soiled casings or on casings that have been pre-cleaned with the Iosso Case Cleaner.

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Iosso Triple Action Oil - 4 Oz.
Product ID: CT_IO10740


This triple action solution cleans lubricates and protects. It penetrates to loosen powder carbon and plastic wad. Its is an excellent lubricant for parts and inhibits corrosion. For Bore cleaning apply the solution to a patch run it through the bore several times. Next apply Iosso Bore Cleaner sparingly to an Eliminator Brush. Run through the bore one or more times and follow with clean dry patches until one comes clean. Lastly moisten a patch with solution and run through the bore. Follow wit
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Iosso Eliminator Bore Brush - .22 Pistol
Product ID: CT_IO19001


Premium Iosso Eliminator bore brushes are made with a fiber that is cobalt blue in color so it cant be mistaken for any other type brush. This thicker stiffer grade of fiber allows for back and forth action unlike traditional brass and bronze type brushes. They may be used several times before becoming worn. This brush is wound tighter and has more fiber per inch than any other brush. Use with the Iosso Bore Cleaner and Triple Action Solution to remove all fouling; copper lead plastic wad and c
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